
Good Morning Sunshine

Early morning lectures.. grrr.
Just kidding it's already 10:30 and I'm at home writing this instead of being in the lecture hall listening to... an American History lecture. Cup of coffee, a cigarette & sunshine.SUNSHINE! Today seems to be forming into a perfect day to go sit outside and catch some color? Thank you Holland.

Jumper/plaid hoodie - Heritage1981 Forever21
Leather Coat - Bershka

And above on my neck I am sporting a nasty oil burn, once again proof that I shouldn't be allowed to cook or go near a kitchen for that matter. A series of unfortunate french toast events.. and well my neck is now covered red blotchy burns. Attractive aye? :D

On my feet I decided to wear my Forever 21 combats, which are comfortable as ever but also took me about 2 weeks to break them in. Therefore, results included nasty blisters and minimal walking. Love 'em nonetheless. And then of course my Cheap Monday tote bag. Self explanatory. (:

Last but not least, could we all just take a moment to appreciate the absolute state I leave my house in every morning + a very impressed face. That is all.


  1. aivan ihana blogi sulla kaunokainen :) tykkään kans kamalasti sun tyylistä ;D

    ♥ leave-world.blogspot.com

  2. Vou! Oot ihan SAIRAAN kaunis!! :o


  3. Sulla on tosi kiva blogi! Jos jaksaisin lukea englanninkielistä tekstiä niin voisin alkaa seurailemaankin, sulla on ainakin tosi kiva tyyli!

