
Whats in the baggage?

So I thought I'd do a quick 'Whats in my bag' post. The weather has been acting up again aka. its a load of poopoo, and I've just been feeling a tad ill. Post-exam syndrome part II? Could be. 
Mentally and physically exhausted, so all I've been doing is sitting at home eating junk and watching tv, lots and lots of tv! The best way to go. You can expect a tv show centered post sometime in the future, because I'm obsessed. But back to the point, here's the contents of my enormous, giant, elephant sized bag. Everything I take to uni with me, could also just do some weight lifting with it because it must weigh at least 5 kg. hehe.

1. Bag - Aldo 2. Wallet, headphones, Marimekko 'pencil case' 3.Make-up bag & brush 4. Keys, highlighters, lighters, Mac Lipglass, sunnies, umbrella. 5. Notebook, Victoria's Secret Pink body mist, Blackberry.

I've come to the realization that there is too much pink in these pictures and also that I really need to empty out the make-up bag. It looks like its 9 months pregnant and ready to give birth. So that will be left for another time, I may do a separate post on the make-up bebes that bag is filled with. Last but not least, something very exciting is happening at the end of this month, so keep tuned for that. Tons of pictures coming up. 

Goodbye for now chipmunks!


  1. ihania kuvia ja muutenki kiva blogi:)

  2. mulla on tota samaa vs:än hajuvettä, se on parasta!!:)

  3. kivanoloinen blogi ja omg oot tosi nätti ! sopii toi septum :--) voisin jopa harkita lukijaks liittymistä :>

  4. ei sun tarvii englanniks kirjottaa, ei kukkaan semmonen oo tätä lukemassa

    1. Kirjotan blogia ihan miten ite haluun (: En muiden vuoksi.
      Et jos ei mielytä ni ei tarvii tulla tänne kettuilee ;)
      tosi harvoin puhun/kirjotan suomeks, Englanti on perjaattees mun äidinkieli.
      Hyvää illan jatkoa sinne <3

  5. hehheh, lol toi ylempi^^

    Kiva blogi, muksuja kuvia sulla (;

    1. Haha, jep. Jollakin huono päivä :D

      kiitos! <3

  6. hehheh, lol toi ylempi^^

    Kiva blogi, muksuja kuvia sulla (;

  7. Hei ihan sika kivanolonen tää blogi! (::


  8. Tää vaikuttaa tosi kivanoloiselta blogilta ja on kiva lukea välillä englanniksikin. (:


  9. Tosi kiva blogi ja tosi kivoja kuvia sulla :)
